Symposium Co-Chairs
- Claudio Lima, Co-Founder Blockchain Engineering Council, BEC, Co-Chair IEEE Blockchain Initiative, Chair IEEE Blockchain in Energy Standards
- Christine Fahey, Executive Director, Blockchain901, Regional Lead USA, IEEE Americas Blockchain Groups, Chair IEEE Memphis Blockchain Group
- Ümit Cali, Associate Professor of Energy Informatics (AI & Blockchain) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Scope and Motivation
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that uses state-of-the-art cryptographic artifacts that are chained in data structures, creating an immutable, trusted, transparent, and distributed data ledger. Blockchain is the pillar of today’s modern computing networking, enabled by a consensus mechanism that validates and authorizes all participants, and data transactions. Blockchain creates a trusted layer between multiple parties, enabling decentralized marketplaces and computational platforms.
This IEEE Blockchain in Metaverse Workshop is a dual-track event addressing the latest academic research and the industry activities in this subject. It is organized to cover the main topics and intersection of blockchain and metaverse for the first time. The symposium seeks innovative proposals to cover these topics from the industry, government, and academia, to foster discussions and collaboration in this new and emerging field.
Topics of Interest
We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research, including results from industry and academic/industrial collaborations, related, but not restricted, to the following topics:
- Blockchain Technology for Metaverse
- Metaverse Blockchain Cryptography, Tokenization (inc. NFT), and Computing
- Blockchain Metaverse Pilots and Trials
- AI/Blockchain for Metaverse
- Integration with Emerging Technologies
- Blockchain Standardization for Metaverse
- Blockchain Metaverse Platforms and Tools
- Blockchain in Metaverse Applications and Use Cases
Industry Track Workshop
This workshop seeks practitioners from start-ups, companies, associations, and government to discuss the technology, applications, and use cases of Blockchain in the Metaverse. The industry track is a 3 hour workshop which includes 2 invited speakers and 2 panels, each at 60 min with 3 panelists and a moderator.
Academic Track
The academic track seeks innovative papers on Blockchain in Metaverse on the topics of interest described above. The manuscript must follow the IEEE manuscript preparation and submission guidelines.
Important Dates
- LATE Paper Submissions Until: 23/September/2022
- Author Notification: 27/September/2022
All papers for technical symposia should be submitted via EDAS. Full instructions on how to submit papers are provided on the Call for Papers page from the IEEE GET Blockchain 2022 website menu.
Day 1 (Tentative – November 7 2022)
8:00-8:05 Chair Introduction
8:05-8:30 Keynote Speaker (TBD)
8:30-9:30 Panel: Metaverse Enabling Technologies and Platform Solutions
Moderator (TBD)
Panelists (3) (TBD)
9:30-9:55 Keynote Speaker (TBD)
9:55-10:55 Panel: Metaverse Blockchain Use Cases
Moderator (TBD)
Panelists (3) (TBD)
10:55-11:00 Final Remarks